For Your Local Habitat for HumanityWant to help raise funds for your local Habitat for Humanity?
Here are some suggestions:
Never underestimate a spaghetti dinner – plan a social and spice it up with a speaker or performers.
Crank up a concert – encourage those with musical talents to participate and donate the money raised to Habitat.
Sell square feet – did you know it takes $91.66 to build one square foot of a simple, decent home? Create a stylized foot on a certificate and have fun selling “square feet” for a house.
Make noise with a silent auction – offer everything from baskets to music to meals. Be creative! Persuasive organizers can obtain terrific donations from area businesses.
Special offering – designate a specific Sunday, a holiday, or every fifth Sunday as a time for special Habitat offerings.
Don’t forget the tried and true ideas – bake sales, car washes, babysitting, garage sales and clean up days for donations are all great ideas for raising funds.
Nickels for nails – ask the children in your Sunday school or youth program to bring in a nickel every week to buy a box of nails to be used in a Habitat house. A box of 2000 nails costs about $45.00.