Become a Homeowner
We offer a hand up, not a hand out.
Becoming a Habitat for Humanity Homeowner
Habitat for Humanity North Central Massachusetts offers a hand up, not a hand out to hard-working, low-income families seeking affordable homeownership.
Simple, decent, affordable homes are built or rehabbed in partnership with families, donors and volunteers who share our vision of a world where everyone has a decent place to live.
Criteria to Become a Homeowner
Applying families must live in housing which does not meet their needs – is not adequate for their family size, is too expensive or is unsafe or substandard. What Does Habitat Consider Substandard Housing?
Ability to Pay
Applying families must have a regular source of income enabling them to pay the 0% interest mortgage as well as various taxes, fees and maintenance costs associated with owning a home.
Their income must fall between 30%-60% of the median household income level for the Fitchburg/Leominster area as defined by the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development.
Willingness to Partner
Families are required to contribute hundreds of hours of “sweat equity” to the construction of their home in addition to supporting Habitat for Humanity in other ways (200 hours for a one adult family, 350 hours for a two adult family). What does willingness to partner mean?
Additional Requirements
- Must be either citizens or documented permanent residents of the U.S.
- Must be able to show responsibility in paying their bills and managing their debt
- Must attend required homeowner education classes
- Must not have total gross assets exceeding $75,000 in value
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We are an Equal Opportunity Lender
Habitat for Humanity North Central Massachusetts families are qualified without regard to age, sex, sexual preference, marital status, disability, race, religion or national origin.
Application Process
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is a typical home like? How much does it cost?