Habitat Specialty License Plate
Get Yours Today!
Massachusetts Specialty License Plate
By purchasing a Habitat for Humanity Massachusetts Specialty License Plate you will be helping to build affordable homes not only in North Central Massachusetts but throughout the whole state. The money raised will be a sustainable funding source to be split equally among all Massachusetts Affiliates.
If you have any questions please contact Carolyn Read at (978) 348-2749 x206, or email carolyn@ncmhabitat.org.
Download an Application by Clicking Here.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many plate applications do we need before they are produced?
We need 750 plate applications before they are produced
How long do we have to get the 750 plate applications?
We have until September 1st, 2018 but would like to reach 750 by February 1st, 2018
When will the auction start?
The auction will open as soon as we get the 750 plate applications
Who can get a plate?
Anyone! The plate is for owned and leased vehicles. Motorcycles and commercial vehicles cannot get a plate
Can we request plate numbers?
Yes, we will take requested numbers for plates 101-850. There can be NO letters in the plate ONLY numbers. Plate numbers are on a first come first served basis
How much are plates?
Plates are $40. The first year $28 dollars will go to the Habitat Affiliates to be split evenly and $12 will go towards the production cost of the plate. After year one, every two years when you renew your registration all $40 will go to the Habitat Affiliates
What if I just renewed my plate?
It will take a little while to get the 750 plate applications and then 6-8 months for production. If you have just paid your registration they will prorate it when you pick up your plate.